Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jeff Carpenter :: Soup Kitchen

One of our own received an honorable mention in Graphic Exposure. Congrats Jeff Carpenter

Jeff took a sculpture course in New Zealand last semester that hosted an exhibit titled "Soup Kitchen". Appropriately enough they also served free soup.

From Jeff:
The concept behind the poster is pretty simple. Soup Kitchen>feed homeless>hold cardboard signs. I just took advantage of the fact that homeless people have their own unique avenue for displaying messages (no pun intended?). That pun may have been a stretch. Either way, there you have it!

Graphic Exposure is in Stevens Point and runs from Feb 14-March 14. Other accepted work from: Derek Huber, Kayd Mustonen, Stacey Kanarski and Matt Kuglitsc. 

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE this > I liked the new one you sent to Steven's point better though =)
