Friday, February 26, 2010

Conference : nowHERE

The University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point AIGA is holding our 6th annual nowHERE conference on March 5th and 6th. The conference is open to all. We have many events going on including workshops, lectures, games, and more! We are bringing in two visiting artist and 9 UWSP alumni. Our visiting artists this year are Michael Gericke  a partner at Pentagram and Pete Harrison a designer and illustrator living and working in the UK. The entire conference is free (except the two workshops) and we encourage people to bring friends and family. Please visit our website for more information.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spring Semester Schedule

Here's a heads up on what's going on the rest of the semester


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Contest: Design a Klean Kanteen Water Bottle

from GOOD Blog

Design the Klean Kanteen GOOD Special Edition Earth Day Bottles.

Break out your art-creating equipment/software and make a design that can appear on the Klean Kanteen GOOD Earth Day bottles. The design should somehow relate to the theme of Earth Day, but it can be representational or abstract, it can be a pattern, or it could even just be text.

We whipped up a quick example:


Send us an e-mail at projects[at]goodinc[dot]com with your design. Here are the technical requirements:

We'll accept submissions until 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 8. On Tuesday, March 9 we'll update this post with information about how to vote. We'll count votes though Friday, March 12 and announce the winner on Tuesday, March 16. The winner will get five Klean Kanteen GOOD Special Edition Earth Day bottles sporting his or her design.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Freelance Opportunity : WIAC CENTENNIAL

What is WIAC: The most prestigious and accomplished Divistion III Conference in the history of the NCAA.

Why they want a new logo: The WIAC will be celebrating it's Contennial during the 2012-13 academic year and would like a Centennial Logo in order to recognize this milestone.

Where will the logo be used?: Incorporated into many of the activities, printed materials, signage and merchandise.

Chosen logo will receive $300 cash

Due: No later than 4pm on March 1

Submission Requirements
  • Complete the form (forwarded by Mary Jo). Please contact us to re-receive the email
  • submitted electronically to Matt Stanek, WIAC Assistant Conmissioner of Media Relations  in either a .jpg or .eps format.
  • The design may incorporate elements of the conference's official logo and/or the Centennial's tag like "A Celebration of Excellence... Past, Present and for the Future", but it is not required
  • Individuals submitting designs agree to relinquish any and all proprietary rights to the WIAC should their logo be selected. 
History after the jump

      Wednesday, February 17, 2010

      Staci Paul :: Brew Love

      Our very own Staci Paul made it on Design Sponge and Benign Objects for the wonderful label designs she did for valentine's day.

      Tuesday, February 16, 2010

      Jeff Carpenter :: Soup Kitchen

      One of our own received an honorable mention in Graphic Exposure. Congrats Jeff Carpenter

      Jeff took a sculpture course in New Zealand last semester that hosted an exhibit titled "Soup Kitchen". Appropriately enough they also served free soup.

      From Jeff:
      The concept behind the poster is pretty simple. Soup Kitchen>feed homeless>hold cardboard signs. I just took advantage of the fact that homeless people have their own unique avenue for displaying messages (no pun intended?). That pun may have been a stretch. Either way, there you have it!

      Graphic Exposure is in Stevens Point and runs from Feb 14-March 14. Other accepted work from: Derek Huber, Kayd Mustonen, Stacey Kanarski and Matt Kuglitsc. 

      Monday, February 15, 2010

      Freelance Opportunity : University Fact Book Cover

      Need Help with University Fact Book Cover

                The Budget, Planning and Analysis Office is looking for help with designing the University Fact Book cover for next year’s publication.  For reference, a few past Fact Books can be found under “Electronic Fact Book” heading (not “Facts About UW-Stout”) at: 

      If cover is selected, name will be included in publication and a hard copy of published Fact Book provided for portfolio.  Any questions can be directed to Sally at .

                In the past, we’ve rotated each year between one picture and several pictures on the cover.  Since last year’s cover included only one picture, this year we’d like to have multiple pictures on the cover.  Other information/criteria that would need to be included:

      ·         Title:  “Fact Book”
      ·         Year:  “2009-2010”
      ·         Office title:  “Office of Budget, Planning and Analysis”
      ·         Stout Polytechnic Logo
      ·         Malcolm Baldrige Logo
      ·         Pictures (300 dpi resolution) should include multiple topics such as:  diversity, sports, academics, student life
      ·         Size of cover:  Width - 8.5 inches
                             Height – 6 inches
      ·         Deadline:  Friday, April 30th or any time before.  Submissions after this date will not be accepted.
      ·         Submit to:  Sally Bosshart at or campus address - 210 Administration Building

                If cover is selected, name will be included in publication and a hard copy of published Fact Book provided for portfolio.  Any questions can be directed to Sally at .

      Valentine Cards were a Hit!

      Thanks to everyone that participated and created Valentine Cards this year. It was a huge success.
      We also were featured in the paper!

       MENOMONIE - UW-Stout graphic arts students are spreading love this Valentine's Day, and at the same time getting some public exposure for their work.

      Students with the American Institute of Graphic Arts chapter at the university sold Valentine's Day cards this past week at the Memorial Student Center. The cards ranged from sentimental and loving to the raunchy side of Cupid's arrow.

      One card showed two halves of a pear. It read: "Together we make a pair."

      Another depicted a pair of socks smiling at each other with the greeting: "I'm glad I found you."

      Others offered promises of a candlelight dinner, a massage or an opportunity to just sit and talk. Some were racier, discussing adult romantic activities.

      The romantic humor depicted on some cards was a draw to passers-by. UW-Stout sophomore Taylor Wald bought four cards.

      "I passed by the table, and they caught my attention," she said. "I think they are really creative. I was totally in a bad mood. They totally made me laugh."

      Wald said she plans to keep the cards for herself to hang in her room.

      "Maybe if I feel generous, I'll give them away," the 20-year-old psychiatric rehabilitation major quipped, smiling.

      Bethany Danielson, 19, appreciated the cards, because they're original works of art.

      "What a great idea," the sophomore secondary education major said. "It's great that they are made by students. It's something you really want to support."

      This year marks the second in which graphic arts students have designed Valentine's Day cards for sale, said Hannah Hess, an AIGA chapter member. Proceeds from card sales help students pay to attend a design camp, where they can meet design professionals and other students.

      "People are able to see the students' work," Hess, a junior graphics design major, said. "It's a way for students to get their designs out there."

      Students created about 40 individual cards, which sold from 50 cents to $1 apiece. The group plans to sell Valentine's cards again next year and also may make Christmas and New Year's cards.

      "Some of them are sweet and sentimental," Hess said. "Then we go all the way to the spectrum of more adult humor. It fits the range of the audience we have.

      "I think students are more appreciative that kids their own age are making the cards. It's great to be able to show your parents, friends and family what you do and what you're going to be doing for a living."

      Staci Paul, 21, a senior graphics design major, said it was just plain fun.

      "This is what we are going to be doing someday," she said. "They are a little more personal than cards you see at the stores."

      Show Your Stuff

      What have you been working on?
      are you jazzed about your new camera that takes amazing photos?
      are you learning how to design a website?
      have you found your voice in the blogosphere?
      did the hamilton woodtype museum make you want to quit school and arrange letters all day?
      Whatever it is, we want to see it

      This meeting will allow us all to learn from each other and find more ways to procrastinate on homeworking doing what we love to do - create.

      So, if you have a website, blog, or are working on a new freelance assignment, uploading a video and taking some really kick ass shots with your camera COME AND SHARE IT WITH THE REST OF US!
      Tuesday, Feb 16 //  5:45-6:45  //  AA 321

      Thursday, February 11, 2010

      Cocktails With Creatives - February, 2010

      Kelli Fox and Dena Hoewisch at the February, 2010 AIGA Cocktails with Creatives event. Location: American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis.


      StimuLatté is a FREE meet-up event for all design students throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. Without a scheduled agenda, students can socialize and share inspiration in a fun, laid-back setting. We usually invite a professional guest to join us too! This time Founder of Spunk Design Machine, Jeff Johnson, has offered to host Stimulatté accompanied by Senior Designers Andrew Voss and Steve Marth! Directors of Education, Seth Johnson and Kolean Pitner, will also make appearances!

      Other Information:

      * Beverages will be provided at Spunk Design Machine.

      * Street Parking is available.

      Although this event is FREE, it is limited to 20 attendees. Please register in advance.

      The Haiti Poster Project

      ^^^click for more info^^^

      THE HAITI POSTER PROJECT seeks limited edition sets of posters from artists, designers and design firms from around the world. The donated posters will be sold online to raise money for Doctors Without Borders. As designers, we have the collective ability to do what we love, AND to create a difference. THE HAITI POSTER PROJECT has been conceived as a collective effort by the design community to unite and effect change through our work. In order for this project to be successful, we are counting on designer participation.

      • DEADLINE: March 15th. Submissions after March 15th will also be accepted, but given the timeliness of the situation, we strongly encourage designers to meet this deadline.
      • Posters should be specific to the earthquake in Haiti or THE HAITI POSTER PROJECT.
      • The posters may be graphic or typographic.
      • The posters should be signed and numbered editions in quantities of 25 to 100. The posters should not be one-offs.
      • Minimum size is 11” x 17”. (Ideal size: 18” x 24”.) Poster can be produced by litho, digital or silk-screen print.
      • Posters may include credits for vendors who have donated supplies or services, but please keep them small and unobtrusive.
      • Artists will be responsible for designing, printing, and delivering the posters to HAITI POSTER PROJECT. Although we would like to print them, we don’t have the resources to coordinate all of the printing ourselves.
      • We encourage international submissions.
      • All submissions will become property of THE HAITI POSTER PROJECT, and will be sold to raise funds for the Doctors Without Borders earthquake disaster relief effort. Several posters from each donated set will be retained for possible future exhibition or publication.
      • When you’ve finished your design, please email a PDF or JPEG of finished poster for the site to: (At least 380px x 480px, please.) Please also include the title of the poster, your name (as you’d like it to appear) and a short paragraph about you and your poster.

      Wednesday, February 10, 2010

      What do you wish you knew when you graduated?

      Here's the discussion post Staci and I were talking about at the meeting on Tuesday.

      If you are on linked-in you can join the AIGA discussion group that is then e-mailed to you when updated (daily). Awhile ago this post came up:

      What do you wish you knew when you graduated that you know now?

      The first important insight item that I would like younger designers and even seasoned professionals to understand is exactly what we are doing here. Networking. Its a huge advantage to know someone, to have worked with them in the past and to have done a good job while working with them. Long story short :: Network to get ahead. And be a cool, talented, down to Earth person while doing it. - Todd Bricker, Owner of Design Refresh


      If a strong-willed client comes to you with a lot of terrible ideas for the design project you are working on for them, don't waste your time and energy trying to talk them out of it. It takes much less time and effort to make a quick comp giving them exactly what they think they want, and then present it side-by-side with the piece that they actually need. 98% of the time they will immediately see the error of their ways and start treating you like the expert they hired you to be. - Lynne Kelly, Managing Owner and Creative Director of Design Metamorphosis

      Learn how to write. Learn how to articulate your point impressively and like an adult. So many people in my age group (most of whom are coming out of school right now) can't even put a proper sentence together or spell correctly. When you have to describe yourself on paper, write a cover letter, write copy, or write a proposal, your writing ability WILL say something to its reader about your level of professionalism and education. - Gabrielle Gozo, Freelance Graphic Designer at L.F. O'Connell Associates, Inc


      Relationships are the most important thing in your career. Call it networking, call it friendship, but people will make the difference in your career. Mentors, co-workers and clients. Find those kindred spirits and build those relationships.

      Give more than you get. Your job as a young designer is to prove yourself and improve in the process. You will be exploited; that's good business. You should make more money for your bosses than what they pay you. In turn, you help build a mentor's business and you learn and grow as a mature professional. All early jobs are in a sense paid apprenticeships.

      Choose your employers wisely. If you're going to work for another designer make sure that you can learn from them. If you aren't learning from them, it's not a balanced relationship. If there isn't mutual respect, quit. Find people who are worthy of your trust and your time. When you've proven yourself, your employer should trust you to meet with clients and maintain those relationships. If your employer is threatened by you, it's an unhealthy relationship.

      Client relationships are tricky. They are first professional. They can be friendly, but this is business. You must respect them, their aesthetics, likes and dislikes, their ownership of your ideas. Cultivate that mutual respect, earn their trust. If a client relationship becomes adversarial, you're in trouble. Practice honest self-evaluation. If you've been accommodating and professional but are being treated poorly- negotiate, compromise and complete the job. Next time they try to hire you, make sure you're too busy to take on their project.

      Maintain your sense of play. Creativity is manifest in playful juggling of ideas and concepts. Always envision your creative source as infinite; you will have access to a bottomless well of ideas in your creative life. When you're stuck, go out and play. - Bill Dawson, XK9 Design


      You can find the rest of the post here:

      Friday, February 5, 2010

      Social Sunday

      Social Sunday is a gathering for UW-Stout AIGA Student group members. The purpose of the get-together is to hang out with other student designers in a fun, social setting while sharing ideas and inspiration. This month's Social Sunday is going to be held at the Raw Deal on February 7th at 1 pm.  (The Raw Deal has deeee-licious juices, smoothies, and coffee, I must add!)
      So come on by for some good food, good laughs, and good insight!


      I have to say that Staci rocked this poster
      Poster and custom type by Staci Paul

      Thursday, February 4, 2010

      Brass RIng Awards


      The Brass Ring Awards 24

      The Brass Ring Awards competition is designed to motivate and reward students for excellence in art and design. Cash prizes are awarded and students may submit work in any of 40 different categories. This year marks the 24th year for the Brass Ring Awards, which attracted 949 entries in 2008 from 22 universities and 17 high schools. The awards presentation will be Sat., April 3rd at 3:00p.m. in Judd Theater.

      BR24: Call for Entries
      Open submissions: February 1, 2010
      Last day to submit: February 15, 2010

      It's time to see how your design work stacks up. It’s easy to enter online with $9 entry fees for all categories. Don’t miss the deadline: Enter now.

      All undergraduate students and high school students with artwork in the following areas: art direction, graphic design, illustration, photography, game art, interior design and fine art. Separate categories will be judged for high school and college students.

      Graphic Design
      Interior Design
      Game Design *new*
      Animation *new*
      Video *new*
      High School

      We award best of show, gold, silver, bronze and merit awards in each category based on the judge's scoring. All winners will be shown online.

      BR24 entries must be uploaded online to us no later than February 15, 2010